Andrew Farnsworth Visiting Scientist, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Andrew Farnsworth is a Visiting Scientist in the Center for Avian Population Studies at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Andrew began birding at age 5 and quickly developed his long-standing fascinations with bird migration. His current research applies technology, including weather surveillance radar, audio and video recording and monitoring tools, citizen science datasets, and machine learning techniques, to study bird movements and their relationships to physical, biological, and anthropogenic environments. Andrew also speaks frequently to the media to promote understanding of this research and to educate more broadly on ways to support science and conservation of migratory birds. He received his BS in Natural Resources from Cornell, MS in Zoology from Clemson University, and PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University. He has been involved with the BirdCast project since 1999, when as a graduate student in the Clemson University Radar Ornithology Lab under Dr. Sidney A. Gauthreaux he developed predictive models and analyzed forecasts and observations on the original website.

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